Peking Blinder
Fuss Free Peking duck with pancakes
You know sometimes there’s not much to say but to share something that’s a super tasty classic and a fuss-free version at that!
Fuss Free Peking duck with pancakes
You know sometimes there’s not much to say but to share something that’s a super tasty classic and a fuss-free version at that!
West African Peanut Soup (Vegan) In recent years I’ve rebelled against resolutions! Those few months after Christmas before Spring is hard enough, so like an obstinate child, I would begin in February. To me, this felt a more gentle start to the year with a month to permeate the changes… line with what I wanted …
Moong Dhal with courgettes I’ve got a new rule. When opportunities come knocking, I’m just gonna say yes! The cool thing with that is I don’t have to let my brain get involved….and here’s why. It totally means well, and is only trying to protect me, keep me safe and be logical by pointing out …
Sexy summer salad I was never a fan of Star Trek, but I have to agree with The Borg that resistance is futile, as resistance can be the compass that steers us to our soul’s true purpose. Let me explain further….. A week ago I was invited to be a part of a kitchen demo …
Fig, mozzarella and prosciutto salad This week was like bumping into an ex but knowing that it was going to happen as I travelled back to a city where I had a whole other life. If Cardiff was an ex we didn’t finish on good terms, in fact, the split was messy and caused some heartache, …
Chicken, bacon and avocado salad A change is as good as a rest they say. That should be prefixed with *unless that comes with a crew of builders and heavy machinery! So if my latest life endeavours aren’t going to bring me rest, then I wonder what will it bring? {I know, I know…a new …
Chicken, bacon and avocado salad with maple mustard dressing Read More »
Risotto style rice with peas and salmon If food made with love tastes better, then surely a world filled with love would be more palatable too. In times when there are such displays of hate, it feels even more important to hold love in our hearts on a daily basis so that this echoes out …
Mussels: La Mouclade In the midst of the December madness, I popped my head above the parapet and thought how nice a bowl of fuss free mussels would be and had to think whether they were in season or not (if an ‘R’ in the month the answer is yes!). As it was, when I …
Mussels from Brizzles…..well, Brixham actually…. Read More »
Leek and Potato Soup When the days can be lacking in light, warmth and sunshine, I seek comfort and positivity elsewhere….and quite often by lunchtime the thought of tucking into a lovely bowl of hearty, comforting, and of course, fuss free soup is a positive pique on my emotional stance for the day! I feel …
Pea and Ham Soup New Years Eve Eve: sugar hangover for me, husband sleeping off daytime drinking in bed and kids arguing over the bug in the kitchen. The house smells of boiling ham hock and in my mind’s eye I am fast forwarding a week to when the house will be quiet and it’s …