Fig, mozzarella and prosciutto salad
This week was like bumping into an ex but knowing that it was going to happen as I travelled back to a city where I had a whole other life. If Cardiff was an ex we didn’t finish on good terms, in fact, the split was messy and caused some heartache, which was a shame as we had some great times together!
This is all about my trip to see Coldplay this week, and it seemed I had something in common with the band, as they hadn’t played a gig in Wales for 17 years, which is when I last visited properly too.
In the build up to the gig, I was acutely aware that there were some strong memories, almost mental photographs of places in the city that needed healing, as they still held some charge within me when I contemplated them. In fact, I recognised that I had closed off from those parts of myself as if I felt I couldn’t relate to the person I was then and how she ran her life.
We were young and carefree and my lifestyle then, on the surface, couldn’t have been any more different to now. I’m not even sure I enjoyed it all the time but I seemed to be a rebel with a dancing cause! With superficial enjoyment, I often felt disconnected from the crew that I hung out with and the majority didn’t feel like true friends.
On reflection part of my sadness was that I didn’t fully appreciate what Cardiff had to offer and that it was a missed opportunity; Despite this, the path I took was the one I was supposed to take. These photographic memories of heartache and joy had actual locations, and unknowingly I actually passed through these exact places, which felt like a changing of the guard from feeling empty to healed. I mean the chances of being sent to the wrong gate which lead me to see one place….the universe is funny like that!
So I was there to see a band who had become the soundtrack to my life in those subsequent years of living in Cardiff. Sipping Pu’erh tea (very grounding you know, after all those years with my head in the clouds) opposite a nicknack shop called Rebel! And you know, it’s funny that I didn’t associate so much with the rebel me from back then, as she was dared to be different but now I feel that I’m not that different… I’m just harnessing that inner rebel to be different in my mainstream foodie world!
This lovely salad is one I made to take in the car to Cardiff and was heartily enjoyed on the way to Wales, so I thought I would share it with you. Please remember if you enjoy the Fuss Free Foodie to share any posts that resonate with you with your friends, as I hope to build our following and community, and this happens with your help! So loves and likes will help us grow and help people know what the FFF is all about! (In fact today at City Hall someone knew me because he’d seen his friends like the FFF!)
Have a great weekend Lisa
Fig, mozzarella and prosciutto salad
3 figs
1 ball mozzarella
3 slices prosciutto
3-4 handfuls rocket or mixed leaves
2 tbsp Olive oil
1 tbsp blackberry vinegar (red wine vinegar or lemon juice)
Salt and pepper
- Place the leaves over a large serving plate.
2. Pull the tough stalk off the top of the fig. Then tear the fig into pieces and place over the leaves.
3. Drain the mozzarella and tear into small pieces and place around the plate, and do the same with the prosciutto, tucking it in amongst the other ingredients.
4. In a jam jar mix the olive oil, vinegar and salt and pepper and shake.
Drizzle the dressing over the salad and serve.
This is a surprisingly good dish to eat in a car on the way to a Coldplay concert
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