She roared like a wild boar!
Wild boar with Olives and Herbs
Tiramisu: My first trip to Tuscany was so eventful, I’m amazed I ever wanted to go back! Amidst the stress of manoeuvring through the tiny Italian side streets and almost getting locked outside the city walls and having to hitch a lift back in, added to the holidays’ charm! People are often surprised that I …
Gnocchi with pesto Last week I did something I have never done before. Entering a darkened room before lunch felt unusual with only a few others present. We were the brave ones. Bucking the trend. Going against the grain of what most were doing before lunch on a weekday. The feeling of this being unruly behaviour stems …
Christmas chocolate truffles and Panforte The last few weeks have been the craziest in the 1-year lifespan of The Fuss Free Foodie! A last minute shoot working on short foodie video for a British food maker, local TV network Made coming to do Christmas cooking in my house, and not to mention all the chat about my …
Stained glass window decorations and amaretti biscuits I can’t believe that this time last year I was only just posting up my first blog and hoping a few people would be interested enough to read! In fact, over 17,000 of you did! It’s been quite a 12 months with many highlights but the last 2 …
Butternut Squash risotto About now you will find a bowl of pumpkin scoopings lurking in the fridge…..patiently waiting. But this year I went one better. I had a whole un-carved pumpkin acting as a trick or treating beacon, that did not receive any love. In light of my new attitudes and being kind to myself, …
Vanilla Panna Cotta Sometimes lifes detours can reveal the best scenery; So if you lose your path, maybe don’t try too hard to get back on track. Often what we THINK is what we need isn’t always the case and the universe has a greater plan for us! Revealing far many more gifts and learnings …
When you lose your path, don’t seek too hard to get back on track…. Read More »
Fig, mozzarella and prosciutto salad This week was like bumping into an ex but knowing that it was going to happen as I travelled back to a city where I had a whole other life. If Cardiff was an ex we didn’t finish on good terms, in fact, the split was messy and caused some heartache, …
Risotto style rice with peas and salmon If food made with love tastes better, then surely a world filled with love would be more palatable too. In times when there are such displays of hate, it feels even more important to hold love in our hearts on a daily basis so that this echoes out …
Spinach and ricotta cannelloni If we didn’t judge we wouldn’t survive. Somehow, this was quite a revelation to me this week. To judge is to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions…we indeed wouldn’t survive if we didn’t do this on a daily basis. I suppose what I feel I am struggling with is the negative connotation …